Monday, June 24, 2019

(Reflections from Jesus) St. Anthony's Dining Room - 08 June 2019 [Volunteer]

The following are reflections from YAM-E who participated in the St. Anthony's Dining Room volunteer event on June 8, 2019. Everyone had lots to say and I wanted to share it, but on different posts.

The original post can be found here: click here


Here is Jesus's Reflection:

I'd also like to second a lot of what Mary mentioned.

It was indeed quite an experience to see the people we most often don't ever see in our daily lives, the ones shut away in the most seedy parts of the city. It was indeed very heartbreaking to see so many who were openly and casually using intravenous drugs on our walk to St. Anthony's Dining Room. I was wondering with every person I saw, "what went wrong?" as I just tried by best to offer quick prayers for them. I couldn't help to think of the absolute spiritual poverty present, praying that they may one day in a moment of clarity hear the whisper of Christ, so that they may be free from their addictions.

Everything in St. Anthony's  Dining Room was really nice and very efficiently done. I was happy to see that people could just be seated after already waiting in line outside, then be served. It was a great opportunity to look them in the eyes, share a smile and a "good morning", despite those instances were far and few in between for my time serving them, which I understand. It was very quick paced, so I didn't have much conversation with many people.

Despite the physically demanding tasks assigned, I offered it up for their collective good. I took some solace in actively participating in what St. Vincent de Paul, then Blessed Ozanam and what continues today through the SVdP Society of being "servants of the poor". Despite the fast-paced "ordered chaos" (their system was really well organized though) and other negative things that I'm so very quick to notice, it all seemed to have faded away with the busyness of the task at hand and making sure the people were happy.

It was admittedly difficult, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. It was a good way for us putting our faith in action, loving God and loving our neighbors as ourselves, especially when they are the most disadvantaged.

A suggestion if/when we go back again, before getting tasked out, we should gather together in prayer and also.

Thanks again!

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